Balance Sheet | Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company Ltd. | R Wadiwala Securities Pvt Ltd


NSE : SPARCBSE : 532872ISIN CODE : INE232I01014Industry : Business SupportHouse : Sun Pharma
BSE179.955.4 (+3.09 %)
PREV CLOSE (Rs.) 174.55
OPEN PRICE (Rs.) 177.75
BID PRICE (QTY) 0.00 (0)
OFFER PRICE (QTY) 0.00 (0)
VOLUME 26944
TODAY'S LOW / HIGH (Rs.)176.00 180.75
52 WK LOW / HIGH (Rs.)170.75 474
NSE179.915.08 (+2.91 %)
PREV CLOSE( Rs. ) 174.83
OPEN PRICE (Rs.) 176.57
BID PRICE (QTY) 0.00 (0)
OFFER PRICE (QTY) 179.91 (263)
VOLUME 696722
TODAY'S LOW / HIGH(Rs.) 175.64 180.90
52 WK LOW / HIGH (Rs.)170.21 472.8

Balance Sheet

Select year
Share Capital324.53324.53
    Equity - Authorised425.00425.00
    Equity - Issued324.53324.53
    Equity Paid Up324.53324.53
    Equity Shares Forfeited0.000.00
    Adjustments to Equity0.000.00
    Preference Capital Paid Up0.000.00
    Face Value1.001.00
Share Warrants & Outstandings0.000.00
Total Reserves933.024803.22
    Securities Premium20381.5920381.59
    Capital Reserves0.000.00
    Profit & Loss Account Balance-19788.40-15918.13
    General Reserves339.77339.77
    Other Reserves0.070.00
Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserve933.024803.22
Revaluation reserve0.000.00
Shareholder's Funds1257.555127.75
Minority Interest0.000.00
Long-Term Borrowings0.000.00
Secured Loans0.000.00
    Non Convertible Debentures0.000.00
    Converible Debentures & Bonds0.000.00
    Packing Credit - Bank0.000.00
    Inter Corporate & Security Deposit0.000.00
    Term Loans - Banks0.000.00
    Term Loans - Institutions0.000.00
    Other Secured0.000.00
Unsecured Loans0.000.00
    Fixed Deposits - Public0.000.00
    Loans and advances from subsidiaries0.000.00
    Inter Corporate Deposits (Unsecured)0.000.00
    Foreign Currency Convertible Notes0.000.00
    Long Term Loan in Foreign Currency0.000.00
    Loans - Banks0.000.00
    Loans - Govt.0.000.00
    Loans - Others0.000.00
    Other Unsecured Loan0.000.00
Deferred Tax Assets / Liabilities-12.620.00
    Deferred Tax Assets297.60279.05
    Deferred Tax Liability284.98279.05
Other Long Term Liabilities1181.821302.67
Long Term Trade Payables0.000.00
Long Term Provisions60.4881.38
Total Non-Current Liabilities1229.671384.05
Current Liabilities
Trade Payables1422.921482.53
    Sundry Creditors1422.921482.53
    Due to Subsidiaries- Trade Payables0.000.00
Other Current Liabilities618.76241.48
    Bank Overdraft / Short term credit0.000.00
    Advances received from customers0.000.01
    Interest Accrued But Not Due0.710.00
    Share Application Money0.000.02
    Current maturity of Debentures & Bonds0.000.00
    Current maturity - Others0.000.00
    Other Liabilities618.05241.44
Short Term Borrowings470.000.51
    Secured ST Loans repayable on Demands470.000.51
    Working Capital Loans- Sec470.000.51
    Buyers Credits - Unsec0.000.00
    Commercial Borrowings- Unsec0.000.00
    Other Unsecured Loans-470.00-0.51
Short Term Provisions138.9064.94
    Proposed Equity Dividend0.000.00
    Provision for Corporate Dividend Tax0.000.00
    Provision for Tax16.470.00
    Provision for post retirement benefits0.000.00
    Preference Dividend0.000.00
    Other Provisions122.4464.94
Total Current Liabilities2650.581789.46
Total Liabilities5137.818301.26
Gross Block1571.371462.23
Less: Accumulated Depreciation496.04404.74
Less: Impairment of Assets0.000.00
Net Block1075.331057.49
Lease Adjustment A/c0.000.00
Capital Work in Progress12.6918.73
Non Current Investments0.000.00
Long Term Investment0.000.00
Long Term Loans & Advances676.69648.04
Other Non Current Assets253.981776.11
Total Non-Current Assets2443.953751.63
Current Assets Loans & Advances
Currents Investments18.012908.99
    Raw Materials0.000.00
    Work-in Progress0.000.00
    Finished Goods0.000.00
    Packing Materials0.000.00
    Stores  and Spare0.000.00
    Other Inventory0.000.00
Sundry Debtors155.31327.14
    Debtors more than Six months65.450.00
    Debtors Others110.35327.14
Cash and Bank1553.301115.76
    Cash in hand0.030.02
    Balances at Bank1553.261115.74
    Other cash and bank balances0.000.00
Other Current Assets422.4139.76
    Interest accrued on Investments140.476.33
    Interest accrued on Debentures0.000.00
    Deposits with Government0.000.00
    Interest accrued and or due on loans0.000.00
    Prepaid Expenses48.1933.28
    Other current_assets233.750.16
Short Term Loans and Advances544.83157.97
    Advances recoverable in cash or in kind43.5045.82
    Advance income tax and TDS0.000.00
    Amounts due from directors0.000.00
    Due From Subsidiaries0.000.00
    Inter corporate deposits0.000.00
    Corporate Deposits0.000.00
    Other Loans & Advances501.32112.15
Total Current Assets2693.864549.63
Net Current Assets (Including Current Investments)43.282760.17
Miscellaneous Expenses not written off0.000.00
Total Assets5137.818301.26
Contingent Liabilities835.68835.68
Total Debt470.000.51
Book Value3.8815.80
Adjusted Book Value3.8815.80