

Future of Stock Investing and Wealth Management24 August 2020

future of stock investing & wealth management

Days are gone when stock orders were placed on cellphones. Back then, it was hard to digest the fact that one day stock orderscould be placed on online platforms? It feels like a yesteryear, when we had to reach out to stock brokers to purchase some shares, which appeared as a pretty complex process.

To evade the bothering and hassle of thismultifariousroute, stereotypes were inbuilt within individuals to keep their cash as it is, henceforth ceasing them from taking ‘the chance’.

But,with the influx of online trading and Demat accounts, everything has transformed and altered for good. Beliefs have changed – with people being more liberal in undertaking unseen ventures, having an application at their fingertips provides them a financial liberty of playing with their money, anyway they want to.

Many large and most influential institutional investors and asset managers are at the forefront of a powerful movement – their core focus remains in adding environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) standards to their criteria for capital allocation. Being long-term stewards of capital, they feel as a mandate to consider whether the companies they own today will maintain a strong connection both with their customers and extended communities and increasingly impact the way we live and work.

No longer a niche practice

Investors that are best poised for the future actively engage with companies through the “power of purpose” instead of simply liquidating their shares and walking away from positions they perceive as questionable in the new climate – a right digital stock investment and digital partner possesses an ability to introduce them to new tips and benefits, thereby congregating for their financial good.

Investing in stocks doesn’t seem a daunting task for them anymore. It is a transparent and safe process through which people these days are willing to multiply their assets. Exposure to different investment strategies, introduction to newer ways of trading such as algorithmic trading – all these are luxuries of these online platforms available to people currently.

People can now invest in equity shares of a company when anIPO is offered. People can now register for Systematic transfer plans online where people can invest a lump sum amount in one scheme regularly switches a predefined amount into another scheme. People can choose the frequency of the trade online and on the given date specified by the investor, the amount chosen by the investor is transferred from his/her source of income to the targeted scheme. The frequencies available for this trade range anywhere from weekly to monthly. Also, the minimum amount of installment required for STP is 1000, making it lighter on the investor’s pocket.

Guard assets, enhance risk and return performance

Even any personal decision of keeping cash and currency with no risk hinders an opportunity of least risk – while one must keep tabs on their profits and losses, one cannot deny the fact that calculated moves and choices can lead you to better strategies and business sense.

With a secure, reliable and trustworthy investment partner, rigidities and strains get divided – consultants keep a constant check on worthwhile stocks. Not to say, all of these do have their own perils, but then a business decision without any dependable partner is even more dangerous.

Our core value proposition is superior representation to maximize returns for the long-term investor – this remains sound. Private-equity firms that hope to survive must adapt to a new world, and investment always remains the first step.